
Room 1555-H, 111 North Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 10:00 A.M.

Board of Water and Power Commissioners 
President Richard Katz
Vice President George McGraw
Commissioner Nurit Katz
Commissioner Mia Lehrer

Commissioner Wilma Pinder
All people who wish to attend the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Board of Commissioners Meetings (LADWP Board Meetings) are encouraged to wear a face covering throughout the meeting. 

Members of the public who wish to listen to the LADWP Board Meetings live can do so by calling the following telephone number at any time during the meeting: (213) 306-3065 and entering meeting code: 2481 300 0793##, and entering meeting password: 1234

Members of the public may also view the meeting live on-line by going to:

Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, can be requested in advance by contacting the Commission Office at (213) 367-1356 during business hours. For Telecommunications Relay Service for the hearing impaired, please visit the site below for details of the services available:

Before reaching those portions of the agenda where Board action is requested, members of the public will be given an opportunity to address the Board on items of interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board (general public comment). Thereafter, members of the public will be given an opportunity to address the Board on any item on the regular agenda prior to or during the Board’s consideration of that item. The same opportunity will be given in open session regarding the closed session agenda prior to commencement of the closed session. Agendas for special meetings will permit the public to address particular agenda items even where the agenda does not include general public comment.

The requirement of public comment on individual items shall not apply if the opportunity for public comment on the item previously had been provided by a Board committee (consisting entirely of Board members at which a quorum was present) to all interested members of the public when it considered the item and the item had not changed substantially since the committee hearing. The Board agenda shall state whether such earlier opportunity for public comment had been duly provided. If the Board President determines that an item has changed substantially since the committee hearing, public comment on the item shall be allowed. (These public comment procedures are in addition to any other hearing requirement specifically imposed by law.) 

Each speaker is allowed to speak up to two minutes per agenda item, with a five-minute cumulative total to speak on all agenda items. The Presiding Officer shall, however, exercise discretion to determine whether such period of time should be reduced or extended based upon such factors as the length of the agenda or substance of the agenda items, the number of public comment speaker cards submitted, the need for the Board to conclude its business as expeditiously as is practicable, and whether the Board is at risk of losing a quorum, among other factors.

Board meetings are conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.  Resources: The Brown Act: Open Meetings for Local Legislative Bodies (Cal. Atty. Gen. 2003) (available online at; Open & Public IV: A Guide to the Ralph M. Brown Act (League of Cal. Cities 2nd ed. 2010) (available online at search for "Open Meeting IV").

Board meetings are conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners (available online at

Board meetings are presided over by the Board President or, in his or her absence, as provided in Board Rule No. 5.

The Board upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to the disabled to ensure equal access to its meetings. To ensure availability, such request should be made as soon as reasonably practical by contacting the Commission Office at (213) 367-1356 during business hours.

The agenda for meetings contains a brief general description of the items to be considered. The Board may consider an item not on the agenda only in limited circumstances consistent with the Brown Act. The agenda is posted in the front window to the left (as viewed from the street) of the main entrance of the JFB Building, in the JFB lobby before entering Security area, JFB Level A lobby before entering Security area, and outside JFB Room 1555-H at least 72 hours before regular meetings and at least 24 hours before special meetings. The agenda is also available online at The description of any item displayed on the agenda may be changed subsequent to the electronic posting of the agenda or by Board action at the meeting, but only if consistent with the Brown Act.

Members of the public may inspect documents (other than legally confidential documents) relating to open session items on the agenda distributed to at least a majority of Board members in advance of the meeting or at the meeting. Many of the documents distributed in advance of the meeting will be available online through a link included in the item description on the agenda. Some large documents or documents received too late to link to an agenda item may not be viewable in this manner. Documents (other than confidential documents) distributed during the meeting -- if prepared by the Department, another City department or office, or a Board member – will be made available for inspection during the meeting. Documents may be viewed in the Commission Office (JFB Room 1555) prior to or after the meeting. Copies may be obtained in accordance with regular procedures for copying Department records.

The order of business for regular meetings typically follows the sequence described below. The Board, however, sometimes considers matters out of order as the Board President may direct. The order of business for special meetings will be determined by the agenda. Thus, some special meeting agendas may follow the organizational format of regular meetings, while other meeting agendas may be limited to but one or several items.

1. Preliminary Matters: The Board President will begin the meeting with opening remarks. General Public comments will then follow. Thereafter, the General Manager may give a report followed by introduction of motions by Commissioners.

2. Consideration of Items Recommended for Approval: The Board will consider items recommended for approval. Items on which there are speaker cards or which a Commissioner has requested pulled for discussion will generally be considered after the Management Reports and Filed Items.

3. Management Reports: Reports from management and other documents are presented to the Board for information or possible discussion. No action is requested in regard to these items.

4. Filed Items: Filed items from management and other documents are presented to the Board for informational purposes and/or possible discussion. No action is requested in regard to these items.

5. Items for Approval: The Board President will announce the items to be considered by the Board. The Board will hear from members of the public who have requested to speak on an item that a speaker card has been submitted.

6. Closed Session Agenda: Before going into closed session, the Board will hear from members of the public on any closed session item. Thereafter, the Board will make any announcements required by law before retiring to closed session. Closed sessions are allowed only for particular subject matters permitted by the Brown Act. The Board agenda will state any provisions of the Brown Act permitting the closed session. After the closed session, the Board will publicly report any action taken in closed session and the vote or abstention thereon of every member present in accordance with California Government Code Section 54957.1.

The vote of at least three members is required for Board action. With some exceptions, Board actions are not final when taken because, under Los Angeles City Charter Section 245, the City Council may assert jurisdiction for possible veto of actions of boards and commissions of City government. Board actions thus become final as provided by Charter Section 245.


Meeting Agenda – September 10, 2024

Roll Call


Opening remarks by the Commission President


Remarks by Commissioners


General Public Comment


Report/Briefing by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Engineer


Comments from Ratepayer Advocate on Agendized Items


Consideration of Items Recommended for Approval


Management Reports


Presentation regarding Hydration Station in Public – September 2024


Reports by Commissioners on Committee Activity


Filed Items


Financial Services Organization Monthly Activities Report – June 2024


Report on Purchase of Mitigation Credits for Environmental Project Impacts – January through June 2024 and Cumulative Payments for Quarters 1 – 2, 2024


Report on Payment of Fines and Penalties for Environmental Violations – January through June 2024 and Cumulative Payments for Quarters 1 – 2, 2024




Recommendation for approval of the minutes of the August 27, 2024, Regular Meeting of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners. 


Recommendation for approval of the minutes of the August 27, 2024, Special Meeting of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners. 


Introduction of Motions for Future Consideration


Discussion with Neighborhood Council Representatives

Discussion with Neighborhood Council representatives on any Neighborhood Council Resolution or Community Impact Statement filed with the City Clerk which relate to any agenda item listed or being considered on this agenda for the Board.


Community Impact Statement – Council File Number: 23-0600-S9


Items for Approval


Recommended by Office of the Chief Information Technology Officer
Approval of Agreement No. 47820 for Geographic Information System Maintenance and Support with POWER Engineers, Inc. The Agreement will provide knowledge transfer and guidance from POWER Engineers, Inc. for a term of one year and a not to exceed amount of $2,000,000. This Agreement will expire on October 1, 2025.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Approval of Adoption of the Headworks Site Development Project Mitigated Negative Declaration in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The total Project is estimated to cost $271,000,000 over the planning, design, and construction timeline, through Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 to FY 2027-2028 for the Restoration Park, through FY 2026-2027 to FY 2029-2030 for Water Quality Laboratory, and through FY 2029-2030 to FY 2030-2031 for the Direct Potable Reuse Demonstration Facility.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15070-15075.


Recommended by Financial Services Organization
Approval of Energy Cost Adjustment Expenditures for the 12-Month Period Commencing October 1, 2024. Requesting approval of Schedules B, C, and D, which are on file with the Secretary of the Board and which describe and identify estimated non-renewable fuel expense totaling $358 Million and non-renewable purchased power expense totaling $526 Million on Schedule B, estimated Renewable Portfolio Standard expense totaling $1,033 Million on Schedule C, and estimated Demand-Side Management expense totaling $138 Million on Schedule D for the 12-month period commencing October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, for inclusion in components of the Energy Cost Adjustment.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Financial Services Organization
Approval of Estimated Water Supply Cost, Water Quality Improvement, and Owens Valley Regulatory Expenditures for January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. This Resolution approves expenditures for inclusion, for the 12-month period commencing January 1, 2025.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Financial Services Organization
Approval of Agreement No. 47854-5 for Workday Implementation and Maintenance Services with PowerPlan, Inc. The term of this Agreement is for a five-year period for an amount not to exceed $8,200,000. The Agreement is the result of a Request for Sole Source Proposal No. 90758. This Agreement will expire in September of 2029.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Contract No. 405 for Rental of Dump Trucks with Operators – L.A.C. Motor Enterprises, Inc. The term of the Contract is for three years, and an amount not to exceed $26,402,833. This Contract will expire in August 2027.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Contract Nos. 678A, and 678B for Medium Voltage Cable with Taihan Electric USA, Ltd. and CME Wire and Cable, Inc., respectively. The Contracts are for a term of one year with two one-year optional renewal periods, for an estimated expenditure of $74,119,011, and an amount not to exceed $92,648,763. These Contracts will expire in August 2027.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Pole Attachment License Agreement Between LADWP and Stimulus Technologies of California, LLC, No. PD-2947. The Agreement is for a term of ten years in accordance with the Los Angeles Administrative Code, Section 23.142. This Agreement will generate revenues that shall be deposited into LADWP’s Power Fund. This Agreement will expire in September 2034.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301.


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 47565 for Energy Imbalance Market Merchant and Entity Settlement and Transmission Billing Systems with Power Settlements Consulting and Software, LLC. The proposed Amendment will extend the term of the Agreement by an additional three years with two one-year extension options, for a total term of up to ten years, and increase the not to exceed amount by $5,959,710, from $3,909,230 to $9,868,940, including contingency. This Agreement was originally the result of a competitive solicitation Request for Proposal No. 90478. This Amendment will expire in October 2029.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Contract No. 490 for 38-kiloVolt (kV) Sulfar Hexafluoride (SF6), and Novec Insulated Switchgear with WESCO Distribution, Inc. This Contract is to furnish and deliver 38-kV, SF6, and Novec insulated switchgear, for a period of one year with two one-year optional renewal periods. The total maximum expenditure will not exceed $75,000,000. This Contract is estimated to expire in September 2027.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Power System
Approval of Contract No. 141 for 138-kiloVolt (kV) and 230-kV, Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Gas, Circuit Breakers for Various Substations with Hitachi Energy USA, Inc. This Contract is to furnish and deliver 138-kV and 230-kV circuit breakers, for a period of one year with two one-year optional renewal periods. The total estimated expenditure is $57,389,514 and an amount not to exceed $71,736,894. The Contract is a result of a competitive bid process. This Contract is estimated to expire in September 2027.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).


Recommended by Water System
Approval of Agreement No. 47778 for Design-Build Services for Fairmont Sedimentation Plant with McCarthy/CDM Smith, Inc. The Agreement is for a term of six years plus one renewal option year, and for an amount not to exceed $850,000,000. This Agreement will expire in September 2030.
Determine item is in compliance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15070-15075.

City Council approval is required.


Recommended by Water System
Approval of Closing Resolution for Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Construction Financing for City Trunk Line North Unit 1. The LADWP has been awarded a total of $1,238,125,946 in funding from the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund through State Water Board. That amount includes $45,000,000 in 100 percent principal forgiveness awards under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and $14,400,000 in grants from the base Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.                                             
Determine item is in compliance with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(3), and 15070-15075.


Recommended by Water System
Approval of Contract No. 459 for Ductile Iron Pipe and Rubber Gaskets with United Waterworks, Inc. The Contract is to furnish and deliver ductile iron pipe and rubber gaskets for a term of one year with two one-year optional renewal periods. The total estimated expenditure is $36, 810,409, and for an amount not to exceed $46,013,011. The Contract is a result of a competitive bid process. This Contract will be set to expire in August 2025 with two optional renewal years, for an overall expiration of August 2027.
Determine item is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3).

